Thursday, January 15, 2015

My Incoming Emancipation and Pussies on Swipe

I'm a little confused because everyone is saying this is the last post and I'm pretty sure it's not. Either way, even when we are no longer required to write in this blog, I'm going to keep writing because I enjoy it. 

 Today's blog entry is dedicated to July 28th 2015.  A day that I've been waiting for for a very, very long time.  On July 28th, nothing will be the same. On July 28th the sun will be shining, the birds will be singing, Miley Cyrus will stop twerking and I will  turn 18.  I started counting down to July 28th 2015, on New Year's 2013.  Back then, I had 937 days left and I wrote those numbers down and everyday I would cross them off and currently I have 194 days left.  Why do all of this, you ask? I do it because it gives me hope.  Because it was some sort of motivation. I like to think of myself as a caged bird and July 28th will be when my cage opens and when I will be allowed to fly away and maybe land in Danville, Kentucky.  In reality, I know it's not going to happen like that. I'm probably leaving for college like two weeks after my birthday. BREAKING NEWS: shoutout to all the cowards on Swipe who hide behind their iphones and talk shit because deep down they're insecure and get satisfaction from putting other people down.  I will keep those people in my prayers.  ANYWAY, I don't even feel like continuing with what I was previously talking about. Im just going to write about Swipe. I saw things that were written about me and I wasn't angry. I thought they were funny actually. If it was two years ago, I would have cried about it but now I'm more mature and those things no longer bother me. I became angry when I saw how cruel people were to others on this app. People at other schools complain about bullying and I always defend my school. I always say "No. Not at my school. We may not always get along but we don't bully one another. We're too smart for that. We know the difference between right and wrong." And when I saw those posts today, I was disgusted and dissappointed by what I saw. I mean most of us are practically adults. Leave that shit for the freshmen who don't know better. I always vaguely thought that my classmates were morons but I wasn't sure. But now I'm very sure. It seems to be that our grade target anyone who's different. Anyone who doesn't dress, talk, or think like you is immediately targeted. It pisses me off because no one deserves that. I was bullied in 6th and 7th grade and I know how it feels to feel worthless and to feel like a piece of shit because of what people say about you. And kudos to the person/people who shouted me out on Swipe. I saved the shit you wrote about me as a souvenir. I honestly can't wait for graduation. I think going to college in Kentucky will really do me some good. I need a new environment and the amount of negative vibes I'm receiving right now is mentally straining. So for people who have the app: 

. If you are bullying people on there, please stop. Stop and think to yourself, "What the fuck am I getting out of this?" The truth is you don't get shit from putting other people down. Maybe you'll feel slightly better about yourself but it's at someone else's expense.

. Delete it before it gets even more popular and every fool with an iPhone downloads it. Find something more to do with your time. Do your homework or something. 

. Post positive stuff rather than the negagive stuff. Compliment other people. I see some of those but the compliments are overshadowed by the insults. When you see someone being targeted (I heard there is a specific target everyday. I was the target 2 or 3 days ago, I heard) Stand up for them. From what I saw through my research, Swipe wasn't invented for cyberbullying purposes. But just like they do with everything else, my generation ruined it. 

So many teens have lost their lives to cyberbullying and there have been so many campaigns and shit to prevent it, but no one listens. There used to be this day where you had to wear purple to show your support against bullying and so many people would wear purple then go right back to being bullies. Hypocrites. 
If you see me walking around the halls with a sneer on my face tomorrow it's probably because I am so repulsed by our school. Specifically my grade , who should know better. God bless. Below, I've posted a couple of posts one or some of my fans posted about me. 

(P.s saying dumb shit has gotten me really far in life. I'm probably going to keep saying dumb shit lol #NoRagrets )
(P.S.S My incorrect spelling of regrets is a reference to the movie We're the Millers.)