Thursday, November 20, 2014

What this blog is about

Being a teenager is one of the best and hardest years of a person's life.  It's the time when most people are attempting to find themselves.  It's a time of first and last.  It's a time when you're too old to do certain things and too young to do others.  I can remember being 12 and looking forward to becoming a teenager and once I became a teenager, I realized that it was not all I had hoped for.  This blog is dedicated to all the teenage girls out there who are as confused, lost, irritated, confused, stressed, confused, confused, and lost as I am. Every week, there will be a different topic and advice on how to deal with these topics everywhere.  I don't know the answer to everything but I'll certainly try my best.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

About Me

I never know what to write when people ask me to tell them about myself.  I mean there's so much to say and ....yeah.  Anyway, My name is Veronique.  Most people pronounce it wrong and call me Veronica.  Whenever I introduce myself, I always like pointing  out that my name is French so I'm just going to point that out right now.   When I look up my name in the dictionary I get this:
  1. denoting a dish, typically of fish or chicken, prepared or garnished with grapes.

  1. I'm sure it tastes good.  Enough about my name.  Um.... I'm 17 years old and in approximately 243 days I will be 18.  I like to think that I'm a non-conformist but the truth is I'm not.  I talk a lot. Like a lot.  I tend to get ridiculously excited about things that no one cares about. For instance, J.COLE'S NEW ALBUM COMES OUT DECEMBER 9TH!!!!!!! No one understands how exciting this is for me.  I often get obsessed with celebrities.  When I was in 7th grade, it was Justin Bieber. Then, it was One Direction. And now that I've grown up, I'm starting to have a thing for rappers. Especially J.Cole. My teacher says that I need to talk about who I am in this section of the blog.  Who am I? I've been asking myself this question for 17 years and I still don't know.  I can't really pinpoint who I am because I'm a lot of things.  I'm a writer, I'm a fighter, I'm a dreamer and I'm NOT a giver upper.  I'm kind of weird.  I like honey buns and Tupac.  I am passionate really.  I'm a proud  Haitian.  I make new friends easily.  I'm a procrastinator.  In my spare time, I social network, I read and I watch movies on Netflix.  I hate taking risks.  I try to be unique.  Before writing this , I had plans to write this awesome biography but clearly this isn't one.

My blog will be about issues teenage girls face and advice on how to deal with these problems.  There will be a different topic every week and a response from me on how to deal with those problems.  (I already said that) Most of the things are problems I've dealt with and this sort of like me giving advice to myself ... if that makes any sense.  I'm hoping this blog will help me and yeah....That's it.