Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Random Rant

I actually don't need to write a blog post this week for my creative writing class but I find writing this blog very therapeutic and I kind of have some things to get off my chest. Ok. Where do I start? Today was the last day of school before Christmas and it was a nice day. There were lots of hugs, gifts, laughter and all that good stuff. And I participated. I laughed and acted happy, like I always do. I acted happy until I was walking home alone and I started crying and I felt really unhappy. And my biggest issue was that I was crying and I was unhappy but I couldn't really pinpoint what made me unhappy. I mean I feel like I should be happy. I have a million reasons to be happy. I have a full tuition scholarship to college next year. I woke up this morning, feeling healthy. I have food to eat and clothes on my back. I live in the United States of America, the land of opportunity , a place where people in certain countries would kill to live in. I have a family that loves me. I have awesome friends. But I'm not happy. And I don't freakin know why. And I feel guilty for being so unhappy.  I'm not sure if other teenagers have felt this way before and I don't know why I feel this way. I thought it was maybe stress and I did some of the things that were from my post on how to deal with stress but it didn't work. Taking a long walk and listening to music just made me more unhappy. I have this song by Beyonce that I was listening to that for some reason depressed the hell out of me. It's called "Me, Myself and I" and I listened to only a small part of it before I moved on to the next one but it got me really thinking that maybe Beyonce was right when she wrote that song. She says, "Me, Myself and I is all I got in the end.." I mean if you really stop to thinking about it, people are always going to let you down. Always. And you'll be left hurt. (No one let me down recently. This is not why I'm writing this. It's not why I'm unhappy. I'm literally just ranting right now.) At the  end of the day, the only person who's always there for you is yourself. Anyway, what is the point of this post? Well, one thing is to not assume things without truly knowing them. I mean, I act happy. I'm always smiling and when you see me with my friends we're always laughing and cracking jokes and doing happy people ish but in reality I'm not. And I hope I can find the source of my unhappiness and do something about it so I can be genuinely happy. I've been happy before and it's a beautiful feeling that I'd love to have again. No one likes a sad, mopey teenager. On a lighter note, i feel much better now than I felt when I started this post. I think I'm going to buy a journal and just write down my thoughts because I think it really helps. This blog ain't no diary. Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone. ❤❤

Thursday, December 18, 2014

That 4 letter word

Have you ever loved somebody so much
It makes you cry
Have you ever needed something so bad
You can't sleep at night

I used to giggle every time I heard this song. Like no Brandy I've never loved somebody so much that it makes me cry. Tf do I look like? .... Anyway, today's post will be about that four letter word that we all love to use so much.  Love.  What does it mean to be in love? According to dictionary.com, being in love is , "a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person." Jessica Som describes love as a feeling you get when you really care about someone and accept their imperfections and support them no matter what they do. I've never been in love. I once thought I was in love. Ha.  Now that I've grown up, I'm starting to realize that it wasn't love.  It was just some sick infatuation with some kid who was in my history class sophomore year. I see him now and I'm just like...why... And I never allow myself to get emotionally attached to any guy because I've watched so many people around me get their hearts broken.  So since I know nothing about love I have decided to interview two people who might know a little more about it than I do. I interviewed my best friend and my sister who is 27. Ok. So here it goes. 

Interview with my dear sister:

What does love mean to you?
What does love mean to me? It means a lot. For me true love is you love without any interest. You can't love someone because of their material possession or their physical appearance. You stand by them even if they're not perfect. There is more but you're can't type all that right now. (It's currently 10:58 and I'm typing this on my Ipod if anyone cares)

Have you ever been in love? If so how did it make you feel?

I was. It's really good when the person loves you back. If they don't then it sucks. You always want to be with that person and you do things for them and you want them to do the same for you. It's a mixture of joy and pain. It hurts when you're not around them and you're always left wondering if they're with someone else...Anyway, love is a beautiful thing. 

Do you think teens are too young to be in love?

If it's true... If you found the right person. But I think it's better to be in love when you're in your late 20s. 

Have you ever been hurt by someone you loved? If so, how did you move on?

All the time. It's not easy to move on because you want to hate the person. It's like you're two different people. On one side, you want to hate him and never talk to him but then on the other hand you miss him and you just want to hear his voice. I moved on by leaving the person and ignoring him. But sometimes it's impossible to move on because you love that person so much. 

So any words of wisdom you want to give teenage girls out there about love?

I think it's better for young people to focus on their studies and being young and when they're in their 20s and more mature then they can handle being in love and it will be nicer and easier. 


Interview 2 with my A1 Day1 Francesca Alcime. 

What does love mean to you?

Meaning of love to me: to me love is when you have that person that you can call  your other half.  You know that you would do anything for them even if it's to keep a smile on their face.  Having a mutual understand with that someone and being there for them no matter what.  Sharing your goals with that someone and giving each other support.  Love should be comfortable nd not difficult because life is already hard enough.

Have you ever been in love? If so, elaborate. 

First time I was in love: I wouldn't quite call it love but it was heart breaking.  I thought I was in love to the point that the thought of losing him scared me but after the big ending I realized that it was no where near that. We were just two teenagers trying to force a relationship.

 What do you think of teens in love?

Opinion on teens in love: some of us teens out there may be with someone and think they love that person but in reality it's infatuation and hormones.  I'm not saying that for all cases though.  Some of us might have been lucky and already found the one.  My advice to u is to hold on tight and don't  let go.  To those who are still searching, I'd say wait it out and not rush into it. 

Do you believe in love?

Believe in love:  do I believe in love?? That's a good question! I'd say yes and no.  Yes because I have love for my family and friends who have stuck around long enough.  No because I spent my childhood growing up witnessing marriages (people that took vows before God) tumbling down.  People that swore they loved each other turned that feeling into hate. Love may or may not exist but ask me again in a couple of years or so.

Would you like to stay anonymous? Literally anyone can read this. 

No bish put my name  on that   [explicit] lol my answers are from the heart.

What do you think is the difference between having a crush and being in love?

Difference between love and crush: I mean I might be wrong but isn't a crush what usually leads to love? You see someone that sparks your interest.  Their personality lures you in and you just can't get them out of your mind.  They stand out to you.  You're crushing on that person.  But you take a step forward and start to get  to know the person.  Then it becomes more about what makes them them and not their looks.  Love is more than physical attraction. You accept the whole person as they are.  Your feelings develop even more over time.  You love that person.

Any advice for teenage girls in love?

Advice for teenage girls in love: take your time.  Ask your friends for advice when needed.  Don't ever let a boy keep you as a secret cause that's a problem.  Trust each other until you've been given a reason not to.  Don't be quick to end things but be quick to talk it out. 


So this is the end. What do you guys think? How would you answer these questions? Do you agree with Violette (my sister) and Francesca? I personally agree with everything they said and I'm not even being biased or anything. I apologize for all of the million mistakes in this post. The song at the beginning is called "Have you Ever" by Brandy. You know, from the show Moesha? No. Ok. Well I'm just going to go watch American Horror Story now. Farewell, my beautiful people. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

How to Deal with Stress

All teenagers have had that feeling.  You know, what I mean? When you have an overwhelming amount of problems and you just don't know what to do? This school year has been very stressful for me so far.  As of last Thursday, my amount of stress has gone down.  I shall elaborate in my next post.  But I digress.  This post is a few ways that I personally deal with my stress.

Tip#1: Take long walks.  Whenever I feel as if I have too much on my plate, I walk. A lot.  Walking helps clear my mind even if it is for a short time.  You don't have to walk for long.  It can be a short walk.  
Tip#2: Eat peanut butter from a jar with a spoon.  I often get reprimanded by my mom for doing this but it's a great stress reliever.  But don't eat too much though. It's not good for you.  

Tip#3: Eat something that you really enjoy eating.  For me that would be microwaved honey buns.
Tip#4: Listen to stress relieving music.  I know I'm going to lose street cred for saying this but the song Shake it off by Taylor Swift does it for me.  I don't even like Taylor Swift. Sigh

Tip#4: Find the source of your stress and address it.  If it's your homework, do it.  If it's your friends, tell them they're stressing you out.    

Tip#10:  According to Estefany who is currently sitting next to me, you should get yourself a bae. (Bae is a Danish word for poop by the way if anyone was wondering what it was.)
Tip#6: According to Becca who is sitting a table away for me, you should breathe and think of yourself and look at yourself in the mirror. 
Tip#7: Go to the www.fmylife.com  and look at stories of people whose lives are worst than yours.

Tip#8: One word. Netflix

Tip#8: Write or read poetry

Tip#8:  I was feeling stressed at school earlier this month so I hit up my friend Canadian but really Moroccan Abir who is funny and mad cool (inside joke) and this is what she told me "Keep your eyes on the goal...see I used to do that when I was stressed...Be so overwhelmed that I end up doing nothing but you have to remember why you worked so hard before and let that make you work harder. Even if you don't see results now it will all be worth it." She's only 16 and she has such wise things to say. I was never this wise at 16.

Tip#8: Go on YouTube and look up videos relating to stress

Tip#9:  (Insert your own method of relieving stress here)

P.S The numbers on this list are a little messed up. Math was never my best subject.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Battling Insecurities

I wish I  could  tie  you  up  in  my  shoes  /  Make  you  feel  unpretty  too  /  I  was  told  I  was  beautiful  /  What  does  that  mean  to  you .  
 I remember being 14 when I first heard the lyrics to this song.  I was young, naïve and extremely insecure. Unpretty is exactly how I often felt and I'm sure many, many teenage girls have felt this way at some point in their lives.  What causes these insecurities? There are different causes but the most prominent one in my opinion is society's conception of beauty.  Society tells young girls that they have to look a certain way to be considered beautiful.  They give young girls these unrealistic beauty expectations.  It pisses me off.  The main source of my insecurities were my teeth.  I had a gap between my teeth and a huge overbite.  I have braces now but looking back my teeth were pretty cool.  Anyway, this blog post will be a few tips to become more confident. Now, I don't expect anyone's life to change because of one blog post.  I have been working on becoming more confident for about 2 years now and I'm still not as confident as I want to be.  This blog post will simply give you something to think about.  Something to get you started on your journey to a confident lifestyle.

Tip #1:  Act confident.  When you walk, keep your head up high, your chin up and don't forget to smile! When you walk, have some sass in your walk.  Remember: You're a freaking boss so act like it.  Don't be that person who's always complaining about their looks. You know that one person who's always like "OMG!! I look so ugly!" and you know they're just fishing for compliments? Please don't be that person.  Even when you're having a bad hair day, don't complain about it.  (I am speaking from experience.  There was a time, I used to complain about everything but now I stop myself)

Tip #2: Remind yourself how awesome you are. Every day.  At the beginning of this year, I was going through some tough times and I was feeling really down on myself. I was going through instagram and I saw this page of inspirational quotes and I thought "How cool would it be to have my own set of inspirational quotes that I can look at everyday?" So I googled inspirational quotes said by my favorite famous people. (i.e J. Cole, John Green, Eminem, Tupac, Eleanor Roosevelt, Harriet Tubman, Maya Angelou , Bobby Shmurda (lol the last one was a joke)) and I wrote them on pieces of paper and taped them all over my wall.  On my mirror I had a quote by J. Cole and one by Eminem.  I had "Love yourself, girl, or nobody will" from Crooked Smile (J. Cole) and "Don't let no one tell you ain't beautiful" from Beautiful (Eminem). My personal favorite was a quote from the movie the Help. It said, "You is beautiful, you is kind, you is important." You don't have to write quotes.  You can put a reminder on your phone or something.  You can surround yourself with people who remind you of both your inner and outer beauty everyday.

Tip #3: Don't become a slave to makeup.  I love makeup and I wan to give a shoutout to whoever invented it.  However, sometimes girls tend to depend on makeup too much. (Once again, I am speaking from experience) I was allowed to wear makeup when I turned 16. (I was raised in a strict Haitian Christian household lol) and once I discovered how much it transformed me, I started forcing it.  I would walk around looking like a raccoon every day.  I decided to stop this because I realized that I was becoming a slave to makeup.  I still wear makeup but I have stopped depending on it. I go on for days without it and I am still able to feel beautiful.  I challenge you to spend at least one day of school without wearing makeup.  It may seem hard at first but you can do it.

Tip #4: Embrace your flaws. Flaunt your freaking flaws.  My flaw was my teeth and I remember covering my mouth when I laughed or smiled.  Your flaws make you unique.  Your flaws make you you.  I have braces now but if my teeth were still they were I would flaunt them. Not hide them.

Tip #5: Don't put other people down in order to bring yourself up.  Trust me , it will not work.  This is pretty self explanatory.  I don't think I need to explain it.  I know people who are like this and I personally pity them. 

Tip #6: Stop stressing about what other people think.  This is your life. No one else is living this life for you. March to the beat of your own drums.

Tip #7: Realize that it's not just about what's on the outside.  It's about what's inside too.  I know.  You're probably rolling your eyes right now.  That's what I used to do when people told me this. But it's true.  Kanye West once said "The prettiest people say the ugliest things" and he has a point.  Inner beauty has more value than outer beauty because outer beauty can go away but inner beauty lasts forever.  (This is an original quote from me so if you ever use it, give me some credit , okay? Veronique Similien is the name)

So to wrap things up, everyone is beautiful.  The way I like to think of this is that Our Creator does not make any mistakes. If you don't believe in any creator you can think of it another way. If you have any additional tips, let me know and I will add it.  And the song from the beginning is called Unpretty and it's by my second favorite girl group TLC. My favorite is Destiny's Child if anyone cares. Au Revoir....

Here is a picture of the quotes on one side of my room. (Don't mind the One Direction poster.  I am no longer a huge fan but I can't bring myself to get rid of the poster for some reason)

Here is a link to the song unpretty

I also like the glee version

Here is the quote I was talking about:

And here is a picture of a cute puppy: